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How to Become an International Dark Sky Place
Know a Potential Dark Sky Place?
Do you want to help a community, park, reserve, sanctuary, or urban night sky place in Texas become an IDSP?
- Participate in 1st Wednesday Coaching with DarkSky Texas
- Promote the Five Principles of Responsible Outdoor Lighting.
- Use the Be A Star Award to recognize good lighting in your community.
- You may want to start a group of like minded people in your area.
- Join DarkSky Texas to connect with others who can provide support.
- Explore more great tips here.
DarkSky Texas Recognition for your Property
Earn the Be a Star Award!
Do you know of a stellar property in Texas that has Nature, Neighbor & Night-Skies Friendly Lighting?
The Be A Star Award rewards landowners who contribute to conservation efforts by protecting the night sky. To earn it they use outdoor lighting that eliminates glare, light trespass, and other forms of light pollution while at the same time helping them see better on their property.
Strut your Texas stuff with the Be A Star Award!
First Wednesday Dark Sky Place Coaching
Working on an International Dark Sky Place application? Join us at 5:00PM on the first Wednesday of each month. See full list of events for more info.