Take the Pledge to Protect the Night Sky

The beauty of the night sky is a precious resource that we must all work to preserve. It’s time for ordinary citizens who value the night sky and environmental conservation to take a stand. By following simple principles for responsible outdoor lighting, we can reduce light pollution and preserve the beauty of our nights.

Enchanted Rock by Evan Miller

Photo by Evan Miller

The Pledge

I pledge to protect the night by following these five principles for responsible outdoor lighting practices:

  1. Purposeful Lighting: I will only install outdoor lights if they have a clear purpose. I will consider if the light is truly necessary and explore alternatives like reflective paints or self-luminous markers.
  2. Directed Lighting: I will direct my outdoor lights only where needed. I will use shielding and careful aiming to focus the light downward and avoid light trespass.
  3. Minimal Illumination: I will choose the lowest light level required for my outdoor lighting. I will consider the reflective surfaces in the area to avoid over-illumination.
  4. Timed Lighting: I will ensure my outdoor lights are used only when needed. I will utilize timers or motion detectors to turn lights on only when necessary and off when not.
  5. Warm Lighting: I will prioritize warmer color lights for my outdoor lighting. I will limit the use of short-wavelength blue-violet lights whenever possible.

By following these principles, I can help reduce light pollution and protect the beauty of the night sky for everyone.

Join Us in Making a Difference

If you believe in preserving the night sky and minimizing light pollution, now is the time to act. Take the pledge and show your support. Together, we can make a significant impact.

Sign the pledge to show your support:
