a city at night with purple lights on the building

DarkSky Texas has set a high bar for the new year! For 2024, DarkSky Texas is planning new programs calling on their members’ core skills. The first of these programs to launch is the  BOLD initiative.

The BOLD Initiative to Reduce Texas Light Pollution

The Better Outdoor Lighting Decisions (BOLD) Initiative is now one of the pillars of DarkSky Texas’ latest business plan. The BOLD Initiative turns the promise of better lighting and darker skies into action.

What is the BOLD Initiative all about?

Introducing the BOLD Initiative: A Brave New Push Against Light Pollution in Texas

The BOLD initiative aims to help conservation-minded organizations, businesses, large landholders, and governmental entities minimize their contribution to light pollution in Texas.

Some nighttime lighting is necessary wherever humans live and work. However, approximately 35% of these lights are not helping us see anything. Instead, these lights are misdirected into glare, skyglow, and light trespass, polluting surrounding areas.

By reducing and eliminating wasted and poorly shielded outdoor lights, we can make a sizable dent in our cities’ surrounding skyglow and significantly reduce light pollution.

What will the BOLD Initiative accomplish?

To accomplish the BOLD Initiative goals, DarkSky Texas will partner with landowners, businesses, and organizations of all sizes across the state. Education will be essential, and DarkSky Texas will empower business owners and community leaders to join the fight against light pollution. DarkSky Texas will partner with those eager to chip away at their artificial light footprint, and the organization will publicly celebrate those who do it. The initial goal is to engage with as many entities who want to be sustainable as possible across Texas to help them “clean up” the night sky and educate their employees and community about the importance of getting involved. Together, DarkSky Texas and BOLD Initiative partners will create a kinder nighttime environment with every outdoor light following the Five Principles of Responsible Outdoor Lighting.

About the BOLD Initiative Strategy

Like most grassroots movements, the BOLD Initiative will start with partnerships and alliances.

DarkSky Texas will approach businesses of every size, conservation organizations, landholders, businesses, local governments, and other Texans interested in sustainability and the environment – or who want to help care for our State’s fantastic night skies.

Anyone who wishes to partner up will receive consulting, materials and training to help them and their employees better understand the impact of light pollution and the strategies to diminish it.

If they sign up as a BOLD partner, the DarkSky Texas team will help them adjust their existing lights, minimize their environmental impact, and lower their electricity bills. This will not be generic advice: each partner will receive a customized review and assistance to design the best solution.

Finally, any BOLD Initiative member whose outdoor lighting follows the Five Principles of Responsible Outdoor Lighting will also receive the Be A Star Award and be recognized for their commitment to the night skies!

Become a BOLD Partner

Ready to become a BOLD Partner and help lead your employees and community in reducing light pollution in Texas? Use the form below to get started.

Become a BOLD Partner

Please fill in your zip code so that we can connect you with the appropriate volunteer

Support the BOLD Initiative

The Texas night sky is everyone’s heritage – and you don’t need to manage a stadium, own the largest business in the state, or be a local Mayor to help defend it. DarkSky Texas relies on hundreds of regular citizens, just like you, who volunteer, donate, educate, organize events, host retreats, and support programs like the BOLD Initiative.

We are deeply grateful if you’ve donated to us this past year. And if it’s within your means, please consider setting up a recurring donation. Even small, monthly amounts can help us make our efforts, like the BOLD Initiative, sustainable and their impact as long-lasting as the night sky.

Image Source: Canva